You can find all the details about our terms and conditions and the kinds of customer data services. We gather on the following page.
We utilize the information you supply to us to enhance our customer service. You agree to our terms and conditions regarding submitting some of your personal data using our services. Before accepting terms and conditions, you should know the following terms and their definitions. User Content is the material you produce and which we post on Quora UK.
Individual Data
It pertains to a person’s personal information and contains
- First Name
- Last Name
- Current Address
- Contact Number
Cookies and Data Use
- State Name
- Province
- City
- Country
When a user uses our services, it is regarded as the minuscule amount of data saved on their device.
Data on Use
It is information that was automatically gathered from the website. Data usage is the data produced by utilizing the website’s services. For instance, it involves being reminded how long someone uses our services.
Info Subject
Any live person who is also the subject of personal data is referred to as it.
This phrase describes the person utilizing our services. Also, the user is the data subject.
Controller of data
It refers to the person who chooses how to use personal data and thinks through the methods and processes used to process it.
The Requirements You Must Meet
There are some essential terms and conditions that you must carefully study before drawing any conclusions. You are only permitted to use our services if you agree to all the terms listed below.
The value of providing feedback
Positive criticism, or feedback, helps us improve our offerings and draw in more clients. Feedback refers to a message board and email service where users can contact us with their thoughts and comments. If you are providing us with feedback, please ensure that.
You are not using profane or abusive language towards third parties or defaming them. In the terms and conditions section of comments, users are not permitted to publish negative, biased, or intolerant statements.
Users are not permitted to share or promote any content. So, that goes against copyright restrictions. We will take decisive action if a user tries to sell or transmit someone else’s data.
Provide no links to malicious software or websites that could harm us.
The content that is published on our website belongs entirely to Quora UK. Without the users’ permission, we can remove or republish any content at anytime.