Can You Skip Part Of The Action Spirit Island?
One Island Board per player, arrange to form an Island, is to play the game. Each board has an ocean as well as lands on it. The Dahan are Spirit Island’s first human settlers. Invaders are only assaulted by Dahan when the Spirit Powers command them to or when they are under attack. Supply and Island and Establishing an Island As specified by the board’s iconography, arrange your pieces to create an island and fill it with Invader Cards.
- Shuffle both the minor and major power decks with Dahan Blight Supply
- Place supply markers next to the Energy Cities Towns Explorers board.
- Dahan
A Player’s Setup
- Players select their Spirit Panel and color.
- Each participant grabs a colored Spirit Presence Marker.
- Each participant selects a color’s Single Turn Effect Marker.
- Players set up their Spirit Panels according to setup instructions on the back of their Island Boards.
Attackers Start Moving In Pile
- The first step taken by invaders
- reveal the Invader Deck’s top card
- Place the card face-up in the Invader Board’s “Build” Action spots
- Gameplay
- There are several turns in a game.

There are following phases include in each turn:
- Fast Power Phase
- Spirit Phase
- Time Passes Phase
- Invader Phase
- Slow Power Phase
Spirits Possess:
Four Special Power Cards
Spirit Panel with Innate Powers, Presence Tracks, and Growth
Spirit Panel’s Front Panel Includes:
Tale, spirit name and background Information on the Spirit Setup
Play Style: An explanation of the Spirit’s tactics and a list of its advantages and disadvantages
The Panel’s Back Includes:
Unique Guidelines
Options for growth
Natural Ability Presence Tracks
Sacred Sites And Presence
Lands that a Spirit inhabits is indicate by Spirit Presence. “Your lands” refers to territories where you have presences.
Vigour And Card Games
On Spirit Island, spirits use Power Cards from their hands to make changes.
Spirits have powers that have an impact on the game. Powers originate from the Spirit Panel’s Innate Powers or Power Cards.
Holy Phase
These following activities involved in Spirit Phase:
Develop Your Energy, Play, and Purchase Power Cards
Drive away the Invaders by achieving the current Terror Level’s victory requirements in order to win the game. The requirements for winning will become less difficult as more invaders come to Fear you!
When invaders enter a territory did not harm for spirit presence or Dahan.
Only while ravaging do invaders do damage (see Ravage under Invader Phase section). There is a specific Health for each type of invader. You must deal Damage to an Invader in one turn that equals or surpasses its Health for it to be destroyed. Invaders are also destroyed by some effects, independent of damage or health.
Aliens Phase
The following actions are part of this phase:
Bleake island actions of invasion phobia
Step 1 of the Advance Invader Cards:
Blighted Island
Follow the directions on the “Blighted Island” side of the Blight Card if it is flipped.
Land is slowly degrade by invaders.

What You Should Know About Blight Phase 2 Fear?
If a player has earn any Fear Cards, they should pick up the entire face-down stack, turn it over, and then resolve the cards one at a time in the order they were earn.
Resolve cards to Fear are discard. Waste the onboard space
Use the EFFECT listed to the current level of terror.
Effect is only active during this turn.
Third-step Invader Behavior
Which lands on the island is affect by action are indicate by an Invader card in an Action Space on the Invader Board (if no card is present on the space, there is no action)
If a player has earned any Fear Cards, they should pick up the entire face-down stack, turn it over, and then resolve the cards one at a time in the order they were earned.
Resolve cards to Fear are discard. Waste the onboard space
Use the EFFECT listed to the current level of terror.
Effect is only active during this turn.
Advance Invader Cards In Step 4
Slide each Invader Card to the left.
Card on Ravage moved to discard
Build moved on car to Ravage
Card on Explore moved to Build
Effects Of Fear And Power
Here are some consequences of fear and power.
The Phase of Time Passes
Final Stage of each turn
During this turn, place all Power cards into your own personal discard piles
Damage clarity and elements Every element disappears. No damage is sustain during the turn. Partially damage pieces are repair to their original state.
How Do You Triumph?
The Invaders are at Terror Level 1 and do not fear the Island at the beginning of the game.
To win, you must completely rid the Island of Invaders. Gaining Fear Cards makes winning conditions simpler.
You can progress through the game’s Terror Levels and ease the difficulty of the Victory Conditions by earning Fear Cards.

Conditions For Victory
In three ways, you lose:
excessive blight
A Spirit was extinguish.
Time expires
Conditions for Victory
Solo Begins
Like regular games, solo games function, except the entire Island is on a single board.
The Sole Distinction:
You can use powers that specifically target “Another Spirit” to target yourself, but you do not benefit more from powers like Gift of Constancy or Elemental Boon that work best when used on another Spirit because your chances of getting lucky are low and you lack fellow spirits to compensate for your Spirit’s flaws and restrictions.
Phase of Time Passes. Final Stage of each turn. During this turn, place all Power cards into your own personal discard piles. Damage is remove, and all elements vanish. No damage is sustaine during the turn. Partially damage pieces are repaired to their original state. Like regular games, solo games function, except the entire Island is on a single board. The sole distinction:
You can use powers that specifically target “Another Spirit” to target yourself, but you do not benefit more from powers like Gift of Constancy or Elemental Boon that work best when used on another Spirit because your chances of getting lucky are low and you lack fellow spirits to compensate for your Spirit’s flaws and restrictions.
Optional Guidelines Enemies
Specific colonizing Powers from Spirit Island are consider adversaries.
Adversary inclusion is optional. It gives the game more nuance and strategy.
Make sure to pick your opponent before Setup starts because certain opponents may alter its parameters.
There are additional losing circumstances for some adversaries. The number on the left represents the several enhanced difficulty levels that each adversary offers. Every game impact is cumulative, so if you’re fighting against Level 3, you also use Level 1 and Level 2’s effects.
Some enemies change the invasion actions. To be reminded that the rules for those Actions have changed, place Reminder Tiles beneath the Invader Action slots on the Invader Board.
Phrase Cards
It gets harder to reach greater Terror Levels as the difficulty goes up. Each Level specifies how many Fear Cards should be used as well as how many should be placed at the top, middle, and bottom of the Fear Deck.
Three options are available in the Growth part of your Spirit Panel, which is located at the top. There are two or three icons in each segment that represent the actions you will take. For this round, you will select one of the three portions. The sequence in which you complete the tasks in your selected segment is up to you, but you must complete them all.
From the Growth phase, you can do the following things:
Insert A Presence
The Presence Tracks are located below the Growth portion of your Spirit Panel. There are songs for Card Plays and Energy Gained in this area. Only the far left circle will be visible at the beginning of each of these tracks. You will take people off of these tracks as you add Presence to the board.
Choose one of the two tracks and proceed on the Presence which is located the farthest to the left. You will receive more Energy for each turn, be able to play more cards during your turn, or be able to unlock Elements that you can use for the remainder of the game if you remove this Presence. If a spot on one of the tracks has more than one benefit, you get them all.
You have the option to transfer a Presence that is currently on the board to a different position rather than removing it from one of your tracks.
The square on the game board will now have the Presence you choose to take. The sign is printed with a number next to it. A site where a Presence already exists can be up to that many spaces away from the area where the Presence will be installed.
Gain Energy Immediately acquire Energy in the amount indicated by the number next to the symbol.
Receive A Power Card
You can select a Minor or Major Power when you obtain Power Cards. Four cards will be drawn from the relevant deck for you. Shuffle the discard pile to create a fresh draw pile if the accompanying deck isn’t large enough to hold all the cards.

To add a card to your hand, pick one from the available four. The other three cards will be added to the discard pile for that type of card.
You must decide which Power Card to discard whenever you gain a new Major Power. You can pick any Power Card, whether it be one that is in your hand, in your own personal discard pile or one that has been used this round. The card you pick will be added to the matching discard pile. You should place the card under your Spirit Panel if you decide to use one of your Unique Powers (your Spirit is depicted on the back of the card).
You must pay the card’s Energy cost in order to play it (number in the phase top left corner). Your chosen cards will be played face-up on the table as soon as you have paid the Energy payment. You can use any Elements that you get from the cards you play right away.
The greatest number of cards that you could possibly play on your turn is not required to be played. These additional card plays cannot be distributed to other players. Cards do not transfer over to subsequent turns if you do not play the full number of them in a turn.
Power Phases:
Quick Power There are two kinds of phase powers. Each Spirit’s Spirit Panel lists its Innate Powers. A power is print on every Power Card as well. In Horizons of Spirit Island, each Power is classified as either a Fast Power or a Slow Power. Each Power has a mark that defines its speed—either fast or slow. A quick Power is represented by a red bird, whereas a slow Power is represented by a blue turtle. You will only be able to use quick powers during this period.
Pre-Invasion Cards
Each Invader card will advance after you use the Explore action. Each Invader Card will be moved one slot to the left. It will be discarded the card that was once on the Ravage spot. Following that, the Build Card is moved to the Ravage space.
Phase Of Slow Power
The players will have the opportunity to use their Slow Powers when the Invaders have finished their actions.
Skipping parts of the action in Spirit Island have significant impact on the outcome of the game and may not be advisable in most cases. The game’s mechanics are designed to create a delicate balance between the different elements of gameplay, including the spirits’ abilities, the invaders’ actions, and the various cards and tokens that players use. Skipping actions or failing to use the spirits’ abilities effectively can lead to a quick defeat or a longer, more difficult game.
Therefore, it is generally recommended to use all available actions and resources in Spirit Island to maximize your chances of success. While there may be situations where skipping an action or using a weaker ability may be strategic, these should be considered on a case-by-case basis and with careful consideration of the overall game state.
Frequently Asked Questions
What counts as an action in Spirit Island?